Your business processes are unique and complex. You have being trying to find an out of the box solution but are not going anywhere. People show you solutions that you feel is like fitting a square peg in a round hole. We got your back. Just like we did for the largest hospital equipment rental company in the US, just like we did for a large cheese manufacturing company, just like we are doing for one of the largest retailers in the world and many more. We will build you a solution that will fit – one that you and your users will love to use.

UI / UX Focus
Your end users are a spoilt lot. These sexy consumer applications they have been constantly fed spoiled them. Now what do we do? Don’t be afraid. Remember those drab boxes and texts and green letters that were typical of enterprise applications? We don’t build them. You will not be able to tell our enterprise app from a consumer app. Your users will love to use them. We believe in good looks. We will make your apps look good. We will make you look good. Want to see some samples? Here you go.
Development toolkit
Our toolkit is new. We have discarded the old and rusty ones that we have used in the past. Other people may continue to use them but we don’t. And if you get engaged with us, we will shepherd you to the right tools. Take a look at our bag here.
Everyone is following Agile. We are too! We are really agile Agile. We love the fact that we are able to show our clients what we are working on and what we have accomplished in small incremental steps. We don’t like to take requirements, huddle ourselves in a closet, build an application and go back to the client with something they did not want. We also want to give the clients the ability to make changes along the way. People change their mind. They always do. Business processes or the clients understanding of business processes change. We accommodate that. If you really must know our Agile process, read below (we can use the write up we use in our contracts).